The Bistro Olive began as a way for me to decorate some new SL space from top to bottom and try to create something unique within SL that allows people to enjoy themselves, just hang out with or without events, and celebrate special occasions. I have always loved having people over to my home but people don't feel free to just drop in I think because it is secluded on an open water sim. I appreciate that and enjoy my privacy there. But... I hate interrupting people on IM all the time and sometimes just enjoy the opportunity to meet passers by. Shopping to death in SL doesn't always prove conducive to that.
I also have found that places tend to become stale. An over abundance of events can become just as ineffective as not enough. The familiar surroundings of a SL venue can lead to boredom and wanderlust in club frequenters. The idea of combining rotating art exhibits from top to bottom seemed to be a unique spin to keep interest. Besides... what could be better than turning over 3 floors to someone with amazing artistic inspiration and saying... please... have at it! It certainly fills my redecorating need in a most selfish way. And, I hope it fills the artists' need to share their work and even sell a few pieces. (The Bistro does not make any cut off of artist sales and I think that is SO important! Artists don't make enough $$ as it is!)
Live music is also something that fascinates me in SL. I have great respect for those individuals who not only choose to share their voice, but choose to share their soul through music they have composed or music they are willing to cover. Vocals are way more difficult than people realize and most of the music we hear has had layers and layers of work done to enhance the sound - the tone, and the pitch. Kudos to all live musicians in SL and I can only tell you the longer I am in SL the longer my list grows of beautiful musicians of all kinds that I hope to have perform at the Bistro. If only my linden wallet were a little fatter.
Finally, going back to the roots of fun in SL for me is the live DJ event. My bestest friends in SL have been found and friended at gigs and I still think that music is one of the things that brings people together beyond all others. Nothing better than cranking up a tune really loud that reminds you of that one favorite time when... Nothing better than letting that SL music bleed into your RL as you dance around with your kids and let them come to love the tunes that are so near and dear to your heart.
So... it is in keeping with all those loves that I introduce you to and encourage you to be a part of 3 musical DJ events at the Bistro Olive:
We had a great crowd yesterday and Tali definitely had the Shaken not Stirred vibe going as he combined Hot Tuna with Santanta and Matchbox 20 and Metallica and Bryan Adams. SL was NOT victorious in keeping loyal connoisseurs away. Thank you to those who joined us. (1:30-3:30 pm SLT)
I hope you will join us for the Blue Olive event with Borday Moo! This will be the third time he has taken over the stream at the Olive and most definitely not the last :) He has that deep sexy voice and laugh that colors everything anything but blue. His lovely Blissie Boucher will most definitely be there to lure you in with delectable treats. Coloring the Olive blue on Sunday was definitely a selfish decision on my part. I'm most certain you need to join us! (4-6 pm SLT)
Coming later in September to add to our new twist is DJ Crighton Johin with O-Live Rock n Roll. He will take over the stream from 6 - 8 pm on Monday evenings and hopefully not rock the place so hard that the glasses in the bar will break. Look for him to join us starting September 22.
The lovely Cataplexia Numbers' Visual Poetry exhibit still decorates the Bistro from top to bottom and I hope you take the time to slip a few sculptures and visual pieces into your inventory before it is gone. My love affair with the Bistro artists is tumultuous as I can never envision what the place will look like as one moves out and another moves in. But... cheers to her talent and hard work. Come by and enjoy!
9 years ago
DJ Tali is a great find. He plays a great assortment of music. I'ts always fresh and intersting. Her and Cat are quite the 1 - 2 combination.
We have been so fortunate that our Bistro is a magnet for eclectic happenings. I feel really fortunate to be a part of that:)
Make that He. Sorry bro.....
Kiimala and BigD are the best at bringing in the best. The two of you make a great team and bring in the 1-2 punch combinations.
I am very honored to be a part of this and take pride in being there for you in this venture.
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